Site Development
We specialize in commercial and residential site development which includes: clearing and grubbing, mass cut/fills, foundation excavation and backfill, under slab utility excavation and backfill, grading for slabs, electrical trenches, electrical duct banks, curb and sidewalks, light standard excavation and backfill, and parking lot grading and paving.
Site Services
We specialize in commercial and residential site services which includes: sanitary sewer mains and laterals, storm sewer mains and laterals, catch basins, culverts, water main and laterals and fire protection lines. We also specialize in storm water management through the installation of: detention ponds, underground storm water storage, oil water separators, footing drains, and drainage fields such as those installed under professional sports fields.
We specialize in commercial and residential demolition and material separation of large and small steel and non steel buildings and infrastructure.
Click here to see a demolition video
We specialize in municipal, provincial, and federal infrastructure installation, upgrades and renew including: Sanitary Sewer and Force Main Systems, Storm Sewer Systems, Water Main and Fire Protection Systems, Sewer and Water Pumping Stations, Underground Electrical, Curb and Sidewalks, Roads, Parking Lots, and Parks.
We specialize in commercial, residential, municipal, provincial, and federal landscaping including: Site grading, topsoil, hydro-seeding, sod, trees, shrubs, plants, planter beds, allan block and Redi-Rock retaining walls, concrete and brick patios, concrete, gravel and brick walkways, swales, ditches, and erosion control.
HDPE Fusing
We are fully certified by McElroy for HDPE fusing from 6" to 48" diameters.
Snow Plowing & Removal
TerraEx a full range of commercial snow plowing and removal from walk ways to parking lots.